Friday, April 15, 2011

Easter Pictures

 So I know I put these on facebook too, but these are just pictures I took of David while in the Holler Wednesday afternoon.
 This is my mom and dad's gorgeous front yard! The lighting was beautiful, even though I'm not a photographer and could not possibly know good lighting from bad lighting.
 However, I did edit these as best I could and taken with a really expensive camera, even with my lack of professionalness, I think they turned out pretty good! The one above has David with a single tear drop. I think this is sweet, but of course, I also think my baby has allergies. His eyes water when we go outside.
 I LOVE this black and white one. I just wish I had a color effects thing that would show his blue eyes! They are so pretty!
 These next two are my second favorites! I love the lighting and the pretty pastels and the green of the grass and I just love the beautiful faces he makes! He cracks me up. The face he's making in the pic below is one he makes while "ooooohhhhing" and he looks like his daddy in that picture!

 I especially love the way his little feet curl and his exceptional concentration on inanimate objects.
 There's a bit of a blue tint on this one which I thought really brought out the color of his eyes.
 Grandma Sherry put that Easter wreath on D's head. I thought it was cute, so why not?

Easter is going to be so  special for us this year! It will be David's first Easter and our first Easter celebrating, not only the Resurrection and New Life, but our new life with David, too! Calvin's been so busy. He is studying for another actuary test coming up in May. So David sees his daddy for a kiss in the morning and maybe an hour or so in the evening, Calvin makes up for it on the weekends. David and I are so blessed to have a loving, wonderful husband and father who provides so well for our family! Anyway, back to Easter. This Easter we are celebrating even more than usual. My grandparents (Buck and Rose Hazlewood) have been married for 50 YEARS on the 21st of April!!!! I'm soooooooooo blessed to have them as grandparents and they are extraordinary people. We are hosting Easter dinner with my parents and them to kick off the 50th anniversary celebration. It will be a sweet Easter this year! Lots of celebrate. Mostly though, I want to shout praised to our God for sending His Son Jesus into the world, to die for us, and to defeat alllllllllllll death and sin for us on the cross! Praise God, Jesus rose from the dead, and defeated all the power of the enemy and gave us the ability to do so as well through Christ in us, the Hope of Glory!

Our lives are nothing if they are not all about Him! Thanking God this Easter season....

1 comment:

  1. Yes Indeed, We have so much to praise God for! Even if we fall, He's got a plan for us! One thing I know is that each day is a gift from God and each breath we take is a new opportunity to give HIM Praise! We praise Him in the good times and joyful times, but praise Him in the hard times too!
