Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Thanksgiving and Christmas - The Holidays - a.k.a. CHRISTmas Time! ;)

Oh no! Am I becoming a once a month blogger? I certainly hope not. But it seems I have only blogged once in November and then before that it was October. Sad day. This time of year we stay busy though. Lots of people to see, places to go, church events to attend. So I'll do another recap.

Thanksgiving. I love this holiday. It is so nice because it's the kickoff to the Christmas season. And really? The Christmas season is WAY better than actual Christmas itself. I've always found Christmas day to be, well, anticlimactic. The buildup is so big and then Christmas comes and it's just another day. You happen to get and give presents on this day and eat a lot. Those things are nice, but the season is so much better!!! Don't get me wrong. I LOVE Christmas time. I get really into it. I light candles, listen to Christmas music, hand wrap all my presents and tie homemade bows and all that lovely stuff. Not to mention the cooking and baking... :) It's definitely my cup of tea. But I digress...

Thanksgiving is my favorite. The food is always SO good and there's always way too much of it.

We spent Thanksgiving pretty much the same way we always do. Calvin's parents for lunch and my family's Thanksgiving for dinner. It's always really hard because it seems like we are rushing from one house to the next and there's entirely too much food to enjoy in one day, but nonetheless, we go.

It was fun this year, however, because David could really eat Thanksgiving food. He ate some Turkey and sweet potatoes and dressing. And we got some good family pictures to put on our Christmas card too! The day before Thanksgiving I spent baking apple pies and green bean casseroles with my granny! We also made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and she taught me how to make her homemade dressing.

 And I did her hair and make up and we took some pretty pictures! 

 Here is David eating his first plate of Thanksgiving food! 

 My handsome hubby!

These are what I baked with my granny the day before Thanksgiving! 

I also finished another piece of furniture in November, but I'm not sure if I blogged about it. So here's a quick pic.

Now, for those of you who know me, I don't really like doing Black Friday shopping. I love tradition and traditionally I've always put up my Christmas stuff the day after Thanksgiving. So that's what I did. BUT I did make a quick Target/World Market run. Found a few things on super sale.

Here's a few pics of Christmas decor:

Alright, I'm done for today! I'll blog about our Christmas later! We did lots of fun stuff during the month of December!

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