Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Where Do I Find My Security?

              Click on the link above to read the above devotion. At the bottom of the devotion it asks a simple question: What am I putting my faith it? Which caused me to think about where I find my security. What makes me feel peace? Or should I say, a false sense of peace?

           She asked you to read Psalm 16, which is one of my favorites! My favorite verses are 5 and 6. Lord, you have assigned my portion and my cup. You have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places. Surely, I have a delightful inheritance. Italics mine, of course. ;) Can I not just fall out of my chair right now? These adjectives for what God has done for me overwhelm me!!! Before I go forth explaining why I love the verse SO much and why it speaks directly to my soul today, I wanna' tell you what convicted me.

        My false sense of security...? Money. What else? My husband is amazing. He works so hard, went to Vanderbilt and has a great job that he loves and is doing well at. He's a great provider. According to society we are just an average middle class family. But I get to stay at home, feed my baby organic homemade food, and I'm never hungry or poorly clothed. We don't always have the nicest and best things, but we have an abundance of material blessings that we don't really need. Oh, and I get to buy Pampers. Wahoo! Love my fancy diapers. Anyway, I digress. I realized today that there's a part of me, a part that I put blinders on and keep under the surface, that finds peace and security in Calvin's provision for my family.
I know women are supposed to find security in their husband's provision. That's biblical. But I'm talking about the root of it. Deep down. Not just that my husband is a good (NO: GREAT) provider, but the fact that deep down...I love money. Don't you? The root of all kinds of evil.

       By the way, when I say I love money, I'm not talking about the object. I'm talking about what money provides. Security, safety, food, shelter, clothing. All the things we should depend on God for. I'm not talking about the excesses of life: Purses, Cars, Clothes, etc. I love those things, too. But the heart problem...the root. What or Who do I really trust in? You cannot serve both God and Money. I think if you searched your heart deeply enough, you'd probably find the same sin. Alas, I'm not the Holy Spirit and definitely not a finger pointer by all means. I'm just talking human nature here. So, that devotion this morning showed me something about myself. I need to continue to remind myself, that YES my flesh wants to depend and love money and find security in Money, but GOD is my ultimate provider and security! HE has assigned me my portion and my cup. What does that mean? I feel like that means that God has given me my share in life. Everything I have and will have and have ever had came from Him in the first place! Remember? Every good and perfect gift comes to us from God above who created all heavens lights. Unlike them, He never changes or casts shifting shadows! James 1:17 So, God has given my my share in life. My lot. He made me Brittany Nicole Williams Curd, to be wife to Calvin and daughter to Brett and Sherry, Granddaughter to Rose and Buck, Cousin to Ryan and Dana, Mother of David, to live in Hendersonville, TN, to be born into a middle class family, in Nashville, TN in 1986, etc, etc, etc. He mapped out my life. My lot in life is "secure"!

  My favorite line in Psalm 16:5-6: The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places. I love my life and especially that God designed it just for me. No, it's not perfect. But the lines of my life...they are pleasant. It was all apart of His plan for me. He guards all that is mine (the message)!

       Lastly, and bestly: Surely, I have a delightful inheritance. Talk about provision. Talk about finding security and peace! My inheritance is God himself! Eternity with God! 1 Peter 1:4 says it like this: and we have a priceless inheritance—an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay!

        Unshakeable peace? That can be found in Christ. Unshakeable Security? Also found in Christ. Is there anything you CAN'T find in Him?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. Brittany,

    I understand what you are feeling. I usually try to double check where the source of my security is found. Lately, I can't honestly say that it's been in Christ. I have been so stressed about finding a job that I can barely think of anything else. I try to remember that God is the ultimate provider and worldly things will pass away, but life in our society sure does make that difficult.

    Don't get discouraged. Of course we are all going to struggle on occasion, but I think you are a wonderful example. I have no doubt that Jesus looks at you and smiles!

  4. The Pastor at the Church @ Indian Lake has been speaking on the Cities in the Bible, each week on Antioch, Corinth, Ephesus and Jerualem, it made me realize that God put us in this era of time for a reason. (For Such a time as this) Each person's circumstances are different. One thing I know is even through the good times, the tough times and really bad times, God is Faithful. We are not the same, our experiences and lots in life define us. May we be Grateful and show grace and learn from our life experiences. Comparing is easy to do, but we shouldn't. Bottom line, Being Thankful is where it's at.....My life is built on nothing less, than Jesus Blood and Righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus Name. For It's Christ the Solid Rock I stand, ALL OTHER GROUND IS SINKING SAND! Thank you Brit, for the thought provoking blogs.

  5. Thanks you guys! Ericka, you are so sweet! Thank you for the kind words. That's definitely what I was trying to say! And mom, thanks for your comments, too. That's what the scripture that I quoted in Psalms says: We are EACH given out lot in life...a secure lot that God has for us!

  6. I deleted mt comment because I didn't realize how it sounded. I apologize. And I am glad I got to clear it up with you Brittany. Hugs and kisses!
