Thursday, August 4, 2011

You know you go to FBC Joelton if...

On facebook there are all these funny things floating around. You know, pages about places where you grew up. Well, I grew up in Joelton, but I didn't go to school in Joelton. I thought it would be really funny if we made our own, "You know you go to FBCJ if..." However, there are a few rules. As I don't want this to be a negative thing, I'm asking that you keep your expressions light and mostly positive! FBCJ is an AMAZING church and a place where God is, so I don't want to bring it down. Only to be funny...haha! With that said, have fun and comment! Here are a few I've made up.

You know you go to FBC Joelton if...

1. More than one staff member shares the same name. (2 Josephs, 2 Michaels, 2 Davids, etc)
2. You can never quite find anything you are looking for in the resource room (unless you're Brother Michael and then you understand how to find anything in organized mass chaos!)
3. You wait until the very last minute to sign up
4. Brother David has visited you at 10 o'clock at night
5. You make sure to sign up for chick-fil-a night but never eat at church otherwise!
6. You wait until 9 o'clock to start your 8:30 Sunday School class
Alright church! I thought this would be funny... let me know some of your thoughts! :) 
I'll add them to the blog!


  1. I have a good one: James Maxwell or Daniel Jenkins are ALWAYS playing Jesus!

  2. From Kim McBride: The senior pastor has a Pepsi addiction... and a penchant for speeding! (Love ya, BD!)

    From Me adding to Kim's: The pastor AND his son who's also a pastor have a serious addiction to all things tomatoes and ketchup.

    From Michelle Davidson adding to Mine and Kim's: Also chocolate & fried chicken!

    From Glenda Haskins: You've ever seen brother David as a woman.

    From Beth Collins: Your Kindergartener is, unbeknownst to you, hauled off to DQ with not a booster seat in sight during VBS. ;-)

    From Heather Sluss: You go to eat on a Wednesday night and there is mayonaise on the grilled cheese sandwiches.

    From Mandy White: There is a 50/50 chance that the scheduled video will actually play during service. NOT through any fault of our AMAZING audio visual crew I might add . . . the devil just wants to mess with things!

    From Laura Morgan: You sign-up for an event the DAY before knowing you should've registered weeks ago. (Same as my number 3!)

  3. If you've ever been awakened by Brother David calling your name in the middle of a sermon!
