Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Current Happenings in David World

 David is not cruising yet, but is definitely pulling up on EVERYTHING!

 He loves to pull up on the couch where Mommy and Daddy are!
 This was a hard shot to get, but as you can see, we officially have a tooth!!
 I propped him up against the wall, and it's HILARIOUS, because he can't figure out how to get down.

 I'm not sure I've introduced monkey yet. Nor have I elaborated on how ridiculously attached D is to monkey! He loves to put monkey on his head and he plays and sleeps with monkey! He points to monkey's nose and kisses monkey, too.
 Hard to capture, but David is crawling SO fast now.

 We also love puzzles and books SO much! We are pointing to different objects and trying to learn what they are and what the sounds they make.
 David also loves all his musical instruments. He loves to dance, sing, and bang on drums.
 We can say, "Du, Du, Du" for duck, and "Ca, Ca, Ca" for quack!
 We pull up at the top of the steps and wait at the gait for Mommy to come back upstairs!
This was taken before he started pulling up, but now that he does, he's usually standing and yelling for me!

David is growing up so fast! My little guy will be a year old in about two weeks!!!! I am so excited for him. He's also saying "Coh, Coh" and pointing to the clock. He points to the light, television, window, and bookshelf. He's learning so fast! I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful little boy.

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